Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Experiences with Technology

as I touched base on a little bit in my last journal i grew up in a small town and didn't really have access the high tech computers. there were about 25 kids in my class all the way up through elementary school. in the computer lab there were about 8 computers that we had to share between all of us. this didn't allow for much time for all of us to get used to working on computers. in elementary school we did learn the basic learning how to type correctly and tying out rhyming sentences. we also learned how to use tools such as art and paint. In middle school when i entered seventh grade my grade was the first to get our own lap tops to take to and from school every day. With access of our own lap tops our teachers had us do journals and take notes on them if we wanted, they encouraged it. In science, we digitally dissected a frog before we manually did one. we also made webs and power point projects. doing these sorts of things gave me the opportunity to do things that i didn't have the chance to do in elementary school. in high school there were "COWS" or "Computer on wheels" in every class, we didn't have our own but we had access to use them whenever wanted, along with a computer lab and library with access to computers. our teachers still assigned us a lot of work to do on computers and they expected us to be able to do this with no problem. Now that i am in college and have access to my own personal lap top my teaches expect everything to be done on there. my English teachers want fresh copies of papers due the very next day and expects us to have no problem getting it done. Even though I'm not as tech savvy as i should be, I'm learning and I'll need to learn quick because technology is advancing and i'll need to keep up with it so i can teach it to the upcoming generations.

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