Monday, February 8, 2010


I think there are some things that Ken Robinson said that i agree with but there are certainly others that i disagree with. I know that many teachers hate it when kids sit on the fence when it comes to stands such as this, but this is one case where i can't decide completely how i feel. There was one point in his speech where he said "If you're not prepared to be wrong by the time you're adults, you've completely lost that capacity". i think he makes a good point. some kids have such high standards set either by themselves or someone else. I think kids are sometimes scared to be wrong when they are little and therefore don't allow themselves to be wrong. If they aren't willing to be wrong when they are younger how are they going to face the real world when they get older? He also made several points about how the top things school's teach are mathematics, and languages and the bottom things were the arts, and dance. But there are people in the world who have to "move to think" and if they aren't allowed this they are simply diagnosed with something such as ADD or ADHD, which may not be the case all. He said that in school's we need to educate the "whole" being, not just the minds, which i can agree with. As for the part where he says we grow out of creativity, or rather "educate out of it". I would say this is a pretty radical statement. I think when kids are little we are all creative and teachers do allow that, but as we get older the teachers expect more of the kids because they are the ages where they know right from wrong and the fact that they can't be goofy all the time. however, in school's we encourage kids to be their own person, because if we were all the same, life would be boring, there wouldn't be anything to look forward to, or live for. I have never been that creative of a person, arts wise, but i love to sing and dance. I'm probably the worst singer in the world, but there are songs that i can relate to, that i will burst out in tune with. As for dancing i'm actually a fairly skilled dancer and dance any chance i can get. I'm not into artsy things because i've never been good at that kid of stuff but i show my creativity through scrap books and the music i listen to and the movies that i watch. i also think the family and friends that i hang out with say a lot about me as a person because i tend to hang out with people that are fairly similar to myself, not because i don't want to hang out with others but because this is who i feel most comfortable with. As teachers i do think we need to allow kids to get creative, but there is also a boundary and a place where they can take advantage of us doing that, and that is something that we definitely need to be aware of.

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